PinnedIsabel AbrilinAbout Me StoriesAbout Me — Isabel AbrilLibrarian, researcher for fun, writer.Apr 15, 202212Apr 15, 202212
Isabel AbrilinThe Curiouser ReaderUpdate: The Curiouser Reader Currently Closed for Submissions.An editor should help and serve. That’s why I’m taking a break.Sep 27, 20227Sep 27, 20227
Isabel AbrilinHer AngleCourier Services: an Unexpected #MeToo Story.I received my online bra order fully open.May 27, 20222May 27, 20222
Isabel AbrilHow Medium Lists Help Me Grow as a Writer.This feature is underrated and so useful!May 4, 202211May 4, 202211
Isabel AbrilElon Musk is No Friend of Freedom of Speech.In defence of Zulie Rane’s idea to take Twitter.Apr 28, 20222Apr 28, 20222
Isabel AbrilinILLUMINATIONGetting married with a Humanist Wedding.What is it, why choose it, and what happens during one?Apr 21, 20222Apr 21, 20222
Isabel AbrilinThe Curiouser ReaderWe’re All Mad Here!Psychedelics, drugs, growing up… Alice and its many meanings.Apr 11, 20224Apr 11, 20224
Isabel AbrilinThe Curiouser ReaderThe Curiouser Reader.Please read for updated submission guidelines.Mar 28, 202243Mar 28, 202243
Isabel AbrilLibraries: 2022 and still better than Google.They are the soul of the community. But they need our help.Mar 23, 20227Mar 23, 20227